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Personal ID is composed of 9 characters. (It begins with "SU" like SU0000011.)
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if you need to update your personal information, please log in to the ieej paper management system and go to "check or update personal information" .
Information to users
【Important Notice】Maintenance of IEEJ Paper Management System
Due to the transition to the ScholarOne Manuscripts™ electronic submission and review system, new submissions to the IEEJ Transactions will not be possible during the following period. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Submission Suspension Period: March 31, 2025 (Monday) 11:00 PM – April 1, 2025 (Tuesday) 4:00 PM
※ The suspension period may change depending on the progress of the transition work.
※ Due to system migration, the suspension period has been revised as stated above (announced on March 28).
Important Notice
IEEJ online submission and peer review system will transition to ScholarOne Manuscripts starting April 1, 2025.
For more details on the transition, please refer to this link.
Please note that papers submitted by March 31, 2025, will be processed and undergo peer review in the current system.
Important:To authors who submit papers to the journal "IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering"
Under contract with John Wiley & Sons, the journal “IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering” will be published on Wiley Online Library only; no printed copies will be distributed from the January 2020 issue (Vol.15, No. 1).
Authors shall be afforded the right to access the electronic(PDF)version of their article same as before.
Important:To students who submit papers
When you submit your papers via the system, please add your adviser's ID, not only yours, in the box of "Corresponding Author ID",
it's on the entry screen of "Paper Submission".
Important:Plagiarism detection by using Similarity Check
From April 2018, we start checking plagiarism in papers newly submitted to the journals of our Society by using Similarity Check.
Important:Amendment of "Author's Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan"
The IEEJ amended the "Author’s Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan" in October 2024, to be enforced in January 2025 as follows.
For papers submitted after January 2025, the publication fees for "Manuscripts authored by only non-members of the IEEJ" will be increased by 10%.
Currently, for papers that do not include Japanese authors from overseas, the publication fees for “Manuscripts submitted by authors including a member of the IEEJ” is applied even if there are no members of the IEEJ among the authors at the time of notice of acceptance. However, from January 2025 onwards, the publication fees for “Manuscripts authored by only non-members of the IEEJ” will be applied.
Starting with Volume 145, Issue 1, sales of reprints through the IEEJ Electronic Library will be discontinued.
*Revised full Guidelines PDF (In preparation)
IEEJ amended “Author’s Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan” in July, 2024 as follows.
“Penalties for Plagiarism and Duplicate Submission” was added.
“Appeals Against Plagiarism and Duplicate Submission Decisions” was added.
“Withdrawal of Manuscript after Acceptance for Publication” was added.
“Penalties for Failure to Pay for Publishing Fees” was revised.
IEEJ amended “Author’s Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan” related to Resubmission in July, 2023.
The following underlined items have been added as notes for resubmission.
All corrected places such as added or changed parts in revised manuscripts should be highlighted or indicated in red letters for easier recognition. There is no need to leave the deleted parts visible and erased. In addition to the revised manuscripts, the author should clarify contents of corrections and where corrected per each inquiry from reviewers. The revised manuscript should not exceed the page limit.
IEEJ amended “Author’s Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan” related to Submission in February, 2023 as follows.
The Preprints Policy was added.
IEEJ amended “Author’s Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan” related to Submission in January, 2023 as follows.
Authors who submit their manuscripts to TEEE can make their manuscripts available for open access by making a request to the IEEJ in the period between receiving Notification of Acceptance and prior to submission of the final manuscript.
Article Publication Charge (APC) for Open Access will be charged to those authors by John Wiley & Sons.
IEEJ amended “Author’s Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan” related to Submission in April, 2022 as follows.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor) iD can be linked into published articles upon authors’request.
IEEJ amended “Author’s Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan” related to Submission in January, 2021 as follows.
The author may submit a paper or an article published in international conferences and whose copyright belongs to the IEEJ as a new Paper, Technical Note, or Letter. However, the author must clearly state in the manuscript that the IEEJ owns the copyright and that the work has been previously published. The published manuscript must also be attached to the manuscript submitted to the IEEJ.
IEEJ amended "Author's Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan" related to Resubmission in December, 2016 as follows.
All corrected places in revised manuscripts should be highlighted or indicated in red letters for easier recognition.
In addition to the revised manuscripts, the author should clarify contents of corrections and where corrected per each inquiry from reviewers.
IEEJ amended "Author's Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan" related to Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for the IEEJ in April, 2014 as follows.
The statement regarding Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for the IEEJ has been added to "Author's Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan" in April 2014. The statement says that the contents of all submitted papers should be in accordance with Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for the IEEJ, and all authors have to check it when they submit papers via the system.
IEEJ amended the Definition of Released Publications in "Author's Guidelines for the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan" on April 1, 2013 as follows.
[On or before March 31, 2013]
books and journals printed in Japan or elsewhere, and the in-house publication of the government, public institutions and the universities
[On and after April 1, 2013]
books and journals sold in Japan or elsewhere, and journals with reviewed papers published by institutes and associations
Attention: Privacy Policy in IEEJ Paper Management System
This IEEJ Paper Management System, hereinafter referred to as the System, shall consider that registrants agree to disclose their registered information to other members which is exclusively used for paper editing (The 15th Article of Personal Information Protection: Restriction by the Purpose of Use and The 16th Article of the said law: Proper Acquisition). The registered information may be used for paper review, paper acceptance, and/or other purposes including contact with registrants. Please register your information accurately so as to proceed the work smoothly. When your personal information is needed to be changed, please update your information immediately on the updating screen. The System is encrypted in communications, pollution detected, falsification detected and session managed to prevent leakage of information. "Go Back" operation of browser will be limited. We use encrypted communication technology called SSL in the System, so please use browser corresponding to it (The 19th Article of the said law: Security Control Measures). If you have any troubles in paper submission or review, please contact IEEJ Office
How to use this system
If you do not have personal ID, please click the above Register button to get your ID.